Maaike Driessen Laverman is a Trainer and Personal Coach. She is always motivated to see clients grow by the effects of her training and personal coaching. She teaches people how to change their energy into a new, positive vibe. Since 2009 she has managed a practice in which she helps people to release deep traumas and stress. Her dream and goal for the future is to help more people in corporate business by giving workshops and teaching them how they can use their own energy for the better.

How do you consider your work as a teacher, therapist and coach?

I see myself as a guide in my client’s ‘journey’, allowing their energy to flow and vibrate at the highest possible frequency. It can be compared to the energy felt when you fall in love. As the client finds a better balance and their energy is flowing better and freely, they start to feel more passion for the things they enjoy in their daily life. I try to improve their relationship with themselves but also try to make relationships with others easier.

I love the process of seeing my clients make this transformation. Through the process of learning to manage their energy, my clients are learning self-love and self-care.

 I always tell my clients:

“Life is like a walking buffet, only take what makes you happy and gives you energy ”

How close would you describe your relationship with your clients?

I try to create an atmosphere in which I am my client’s ‘safe advocate’. I will provide as much care and respect needed to understand where my client might need help. I help them develop a new perspective on their life, enabling them to change old habits and patterns more easily. I help them to realize and – more importantly – accept that they are perfect the way they are! I help them release feelings of guilt and negative emotions which are often blocking their consciousness. 

The goal I am trying to reach with my clients is the following: help them take responsibility for their own energy. I do this by implementing these four essential elements:

1. Learning to stay grounded in your personal energy.

2. Learning to become independent, all you need to do is acquire the knowledge and you can do exercises whenever and wherever you are to increase your energy and reduce your stress level.

3. Learning how to use your energy as efficiently and effectively as possible.

4. Learning how to go with the flow and be less resistant as we learn to accept what is   happening around us.

The relationship I have with my clients is based on trust and confidentiality. Creating a safe atmosphere is the most important thing to establish. This process helps to understand some major components such as ‘living is discovering.’ They also start thinking about their purpose in life and how to live it at the highest possible level whilst being fully conscious.

I coach and teach people worldwide online and live in Amsterdam. I work with a company called “A Wellness Revolution”. This organization helps to train Health and Wellness Coaches holistically. 

What would you say are the most common problems your clients are facing? 

There is not one most common problem. However, in the end, all these problems lead to the same complaints. These being: lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, depleted energy, weight gain and relationship problems. As clients become more balanced, their symptoms start to disappear. They start changing their life direction and their story to one that is more positive. I feel incredibly grateful that I have the opportunity to help clients change their lives with ‘Your Energy Survival Kit’!

Why did you decide to go back to your home country in 1997?

Well, the answer is actually a very simple one: I fell in love with my then future husband.

We decided to move back to the Netherlands so we could explore our relationship and start our life together. I enjoyed my years working abroad very much. I worked in countries such as France, the United States and England. I knew I would miss the adventure and learning about different cultures but my husband and children are definitely worth it. During my years abroad, I have learned a lot and the experiences have influenced my life and helped me grow tremendously.

At what exact point in your life would you say you decided to change something? 

In 2008, I became seriously ill. Two of my vital organs were affected. As I fought for my life I realized that this would be a very difficult time for me and my family. I was scared of the idea of leaving this world and not being able to raise my three beautiful children. I made the conscious decision to fight. In order to do this, I realized that I needed to learn self-care. Because of the kindness of the doctors and nurses, I often thought, ”If they would spend so much time caring for me, why shouldn’t I care for myself?” I needed to take responsibility for my life. Not only physically but also holistically, focusing on the mind, body and spirit connection.

You started training yourself in several disciplines and what would you say was the most difficult part about that?

My mother used to always work. I used to miss her when I came home from school and was home alone. I did not want that for my children and decided to take a different route. My disease showed me that I could not only take care of my family but that I also needed to do some things for myself. In 2009, I started studying and I have never regretted this decision. The things I learned were absolutely significant to my life. My dreams came true as I became a teacher, health and wellness coach, kinesiologist, color therapist but most importantly a better mother. 

Have you been afraid while developing your own business?

I was never afraid as I had a knowingness and mission that were in alignment with my passion. I love what I do! I wanted to help people feel better, become happier and live the life they were meant to live; to realize their maximum potential. Life in general has become very stressful and because of this I felt an urge to develop “the energy survival kit”.

Can you tell us briefly what exactly your training is about and do you think your training and techniques are easy to learn?

I train people how to use “Your energy survival kit”.  It is very practical, custom made and I guarantee: it works for the rest of your life! The techniques are very easy and you can use them whenever you want and wherever you are: behind your desk, during meetings, on the plane or at the dentist.  My methods are all about releasing stress, revitalizing energy and getting a better focus. The techniques work within a few minutes. Every time my clients apply it, their energy changes and all they need is  the knowledge and their own two hands. As a result people are able to manage stress, feel better, sleep tighter and become more independent. It helps people to stay grounded in their own energy, wherever they are and whatever is happening in their life. 





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