Jacquie, an achieved and highly successful private executive burnout coach and award winning serial entrepreneur, also became a co-founder of CreateDemand.ai. One of three co- founders of this company, she describes it as an all in one Business Marketing Platform and shares her secrets to innovating in corporate environments. These secrets include creating a culture that values and encourages the fair distribution of ideas.
Jacquie leads by example. She teaches us to embrace difficulties and challenges that lie outside of our comfort zones as learning opportunities. We find she encourages investments in training and development. Successful serial entrepreneurialism requires adaptability, a strong work ethic, time management skills and excellent communication and leadership skills. To lead a forum, Jacquie believes you must create a confidential environment, setting clear guidelines for respectful communication, and actively moderating discussions. She traverses overwhelm and hardship with a recognition for the reality of the situation and prioritises commitments, delegates tasks, practices self-care and mindfulness and seeks support from others to achieve her entrepreneurial ends. Her story represents female empowerment. She has overcome serious obstacles such as working in a male-dominated industry and gender-based barriers. [ez-toc]What are your secrets to innovating that potentially allow creativity to remain applicable to corporate contexts?
Innovation and creativity are key drivers of success in any corporate context, but maintaining a creative culture will challenge anyone. As an Executive Burnout Coach and an award winning serial entrepreneur with previous global corporate experience, I believe one can find several secrets to innovating that can help to foster agents of creation in business environments. To foster creativity in such a contextual space as business, you must concentrate on engendering a culture of strong values and one which openly encourages inclusivity and the sharing of ideas. Have a truly supportive environment where people are recognised for their strengths and supported in areas that’s needed which should also embolden self-care, mindfulness, trust and respect. Of course, investment in training and development is also key. Embrace what might be termed as a failure, as a true learning opportunity. Remember, failure simply represents a bend in the road, not the end of the road! Also, stay up to date with industry trends, and ensure you set achievable goals. Never forget to celebrate successes either as this spurns teams and individuals on to aim for further attainment, is good for morale and can help foster a winning / happy culture. By incorporating these secrets to innovating into your corporate culture, you inspire new ideas that drive success and growth.What are the primary advantages of being a Co-Founder and what is the why behind your company’s vision?
As a female co-founder along with two male co-founders of CreateDemand.ai, our SAAS organisation provides an all-in-one business marketing tools platform, I believe the primary advantage of co-founding evinces an ability to collaborate with other talented individuals to create something innovative and valuable. As part of a team that has a variety of knowledge and experience, we get to provide a much better customer journey and each bring our own unique perspectives to the table. Our why is based on our own experiences and seeing the struggles of many entrepreneurs. We are very conscious of how they can face so much overwhelm and budget restraints with many different platforms needed to efficiently operate and scale their business. This can be a huge factor as to why some just don’t succeed. This is why our platform offers all the tools under one dashboard with significant cost savings plus 24/7 live customer support to help improve our global customers overall business performance and productivity. Feeling stuck, not sure what to do, feeling that overwhelm and isolation for solo entrepreneurs or those in companies with certain responsibilities, is now a thing of the past. Essentially, we drive growth and our company’s vision is developed around ongoing innovation and improvement and the providence of a cost-effective, client-focused and scalable platform. The aim is to create a foundation for businesses of all sizes to propel them to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.
What does it take to become a serial entrepreneur which most entrepreneurs need to know before they start?
Serial entrepreneurs need to harness adaptability and a willingness to pivot when necessary. They must develop a strong work ethic, manage their time effectively, and possess excellent communication and leadership skills. It is also important for serial entrepreneurs to maintain a clear vision and strategy for each business they start. My advice? Stay focused on your values and goals, even in the face of setbacks and challenges. By developing these key traits and skills, entrepreneurs increase the chance of success because serial entrepreneurs multiply the creation of successful businesses over the course of their careers, rather than putting all their eggs in just one basket!Tell us about InstaXplosion, and where do you see the company growing in the next few years?
InstaXplosion, the world’s first Loyalty & Rewards Program for Instagram users, takes a creative idea in an innovative direction. When you sign up and people join your loyalty program, you get to capture those follower’s email addresses which is critical to growing your business. Data is KING and because of this we must employ automation to help take away the overwhelm of managing your Instagram account while helping you grow your database, loyal followers and business. We gamified this so that when people comment on your posts, they are rewarded with points which accumulate to prizes and we provide Free Of Charge, holiday accommodation vouchers that InstaXplosion members can pass on as an award to followers that have accumulated a certain amount of points, at a 90% discount price. Currently we have incorporated InstaXplosion as part of our Create Demand Marketing Suite so with providing necessary business tools plus innovatively new and efficient ways of helping you run your business, you are set for success. As a co-founder, I am excited to see where the company will grow in the next few years. With the ability for entrepreneurs to replace so many expensive and somewhat limited business tools and have them all on an affordable one-stop-platform, our mission is to provide businesses with the necessary tools to succeed in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape. We remain confident that our Create Demand Marketing Suite, which includes InstaXplosion, will continue to deliver. Our suite of tools will become increasingly popular globally, with businesses across a wide range of industries, as they seek to improve their online presence and engage more effectively and affordably with their customers. Our innovative approach and 30-day FREE trial sets us apart from other providers in the market and we are confident that our unique value proposition will continue to resonate with businesses of all sizes. In the coming years, we plan to expand our offerings even further, with new features and integrations designed to help businesses succeed in an increasingly competitive landscape. We’ll continue to listen closely to our customers’ needs and feedback, and we’ll work tirelessly to develop new solutions that help them achieve their business goals. Overall, we see a bright future for InstaXplosion and our Create Demand Marketing suite and look forward to steady innovation and growth in the years to come.What is the key to leading a forum, and what can the internet culture teach us about this?
I believe the key to leading a forum surrounds creating a confidential environment where everyone feels safe to express ideas, opinions, share their experiences and provide a safe place where new ideas and growth can happen. This requires setting clear guidelines and boundaries for respectful communication and actively moderating discussions to ensure that everyone’s voices find occasion to speak out and be heard. The internet culture has taught us a lot about forum leadership, as online communities have become an increasingly important part of modern communication. One of the key lessons we can learn from the internet culture teaches the importance of transparency and accountability in forum leadership. Online moderators are often held to high standards of transparency and are expected to be responsive to community feedback and concerns while providing a safe space for individuals to communicate, listen, grow, and learn with the additional support of their fellow forum members.