The Limitless Potential of Women: Utilise Our Power


By Rochelle Martin

On International Women’s Day, my colleagues and I attended the Global Woman Financial Empowerment Conference. It was the first Global Woman event that I have participated in as a new employee and the experience was amazing, both behind the scenes and as a member of the audience. The atmosphere was lively, loving, and liberating. I had the opportunity to experience the sense of community that is Global Woman Club and met some of the lovely members, who were especially warm and friendly.

A vast number of inspirational and motivational speakers shared their personal stories of growth and development, as well as tips and advice to encourage women to develop multiple streams of income.

A speaker of interest to me, whom I found to be very inspirational, was Mirela Sula. As Mirela is the CEO of Global Woman, I am familiar with her story and journey to becoming the successful woman she is today. Nevertheless, hearing Mirela tell her story first-hand in such intricate detail, blew my mind. She was able to catch my attention and take me on her journey, in a way that made me feel as if I could see it unravel before my eyes.

(Mirela Sula takes the stage to share her story)

Mirela spoke of her enlightenment and decision to leave her small village in Albania, her home country, to further educate herself and establish herself as a businesswoman in the upscale area of the capital. To most, they would see this transition as the pinnacle of success, but Mirela thought otherwise. She saw that there was more to life than what she had accomplished and there was more for her to achieve. Even though she had completely transformed her circumstances and became a huge success in her country, she continued to strive and seek out something bigger than herself. She decided it was time to go Global!

After Mirela’s speech, it felt as if a revolution was stirring up inside the depths of my being. This story was a wake-up call which opened my mind and changed my outlook on what it means to be a proficient and successful businesswoman. My main take-away from her story was this – once you have achieved your goals and aspirations, you must not simply stop there. You must dream bigger and aim even higher once you have accomplished everything you set your mind to.

To be ambitious, means to continually grow, learn, and strive for the impossible and simply MAKE it possible. There is no limit to what you can achieve, as long as you believe in yourself and take the necessary steps towards action. Most importantly, you should never give up or doubt yourself when your circumstances look unfavourable. Just keep trying.

Women, as a collective, have limitless potential. We must utilise our power to uplift ourselves and others around us, as the empowerment of women will lead to our financial independence.


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