By Mirela Sula
Did you know that most of the people have the power to achieve 10 times as much as they ever accomplish? The truth is that all this power is within and we can learn how to tap into this power by understanding our mind better. Our mind is like an iceberg, most of it is hidden and we only see 10% of what guides us. But the more we learn how to discover the potential that is hidden inside, the more we benefit. Below I have shared 4 steps you can use to empower your mind and tap into your highest potential.1. Tap into your subconscious mind
As I explained above, there is a part of the mind which is called “subconscious mind” and in fact there is the biggest power. You definitely want to learn how to tap into it and keep it cleaned constantly. It’s like cleaning your house every day, exactly the same. Charles Haanel called it “Mental house” and that is your powerhouse. By learning how to tap into our subconscious mind we learn how to use our inner wisdom and apply our knowledge for doing great things that can fulfil our life. This is what can guide you to work smart instead of working hard.2. Drive and manage your thoughts in the direction you want!
We all want to change our lives, but very often we fear to change. And you know? Nothing changes until something moves. Change your mind about yourself and your story of your life will change. But many people find it difficult because sometimes change comes with a lot of pain or they may think it is too late to change now. Because of the challenges that we face in the past many people believe that the future is going to be the same. The good news is, NO. The truth is, we cannot change the beginning, but we still can change the end. We cannot change the past, but we can change the future and the journey to our desired destiny. All this can happen by knowing how to drive your thoughts in the right direction.3. The power of concentration
Have you heard the expression “Where the focus goes, the energy flows”, and this is true. If we want to make sure that something that we really want is going to happen we need to learn how to concentrate. Concentration is the highest peak state of mind which can help us to achieve big things with little effort and flow as a unique state of concentration makes us take actions that seem to be effortless. This is why you need to learn how to convert our thoughts in a dynamic form of flow by applying our creative power and concentration.4. Monetise your Mind!
I have heard many people (including myself in the past) saying that money is not important to me at all. Some people may go even further saying: “I don’t like talking about money”. But let me ask you a question. If you are not able to earn your money, how are you going to make your living? And if you are making your living, what kind of life are you living? If you are living a great life, you definitely have money because for you to have a great life you need to have some conditions that you need to create. And all these conditions we can bring by knowing how to use the power of the mind. We have been gifted with this powerful tool, which is called mind, and it is our duty to learn how to use it and make money with it. Once we make the money then the next step is to be able to manage this money properly and do good things in life, so we can contribute in a positive way.Three years ago I registered an online course talking about these 4 steps turned into 4 powerful modules.