By Mirela Sula
In the last event that we organised with Global Woman Club London, we opened the doors to men as well, and honestly, I think it was great. In the beginning, they offered to come and volunteer and later we decided not to discriminate against them so after the women’s panel, we invited them on stage and we gave them a microphone. When I decided to open the space for men to join us, I asked the women in the room: What do you think ladies? Should we do women only? Or should we allow men to come to our events? One of our members said something very important which stayed in my mind for a long time, and this is what exactly triggered me to write this! Of course, we should encourage men to join us, because if we empower women, who are going to empower men to partner with empowered women? In fact, I saw the general reaction was very pro men: Yesss let’s bring them on stage to join us! Now here is the thing, after we finished, in private, I received some feedback and some women told me that they are not comfortable having men in our club. At the end of the day, it’s called “Global Woman Club”. Obviously, not everyone was happy to have men in the room, and I understand sometimes it feels more safe and comfortable to talk, cry and open up when it is women only. This is what we had to brainstorm with my team for the next two big projects that we are organising. One is the challenge (if you remember we had a big one last year as well) and this challenge will lead to a big conference for International Women’s Day. Here is the deal, we have decided to open the doors to the challenge to women only, but for the conference, men are welcome. In fact, this is going to be a long debate, but let’s park it for now, and for sure we will come back with another open forum. So, women all around the world you are invited to join our superpower challenge which this year is called: #Launch&GoGlobal Well, I think the title says it all. If you are thinking of starting something amazing, or you may have started but you want global exposure, then you are going to love this. We will start on Wednesday 23rd February but we have some surprises in store for you before. We will be giving away prizes and if you attended last year you are familiar with the amazing energy we create around it. We do these challenges only once a year and this is your chance for you to take some actions and start, launch and GO Global! The good news is, this challenge is FREE and here you can book your place right now! As I mentioned above, this challenge is for women only! This challenge will lead us to a powerful day, 8th March which is International Women’s Day and we are organising a big event to celebrate together all the achievements set up from the challenge. This will be a way to keep you accountable and invite you for a financial challenge because we will be talking a lot about financial empowerment. The good news here is that you can choose to join us in person or you can join us online. Places are limited for the live event so make sure you book now if you really intend to come and be part of this amazing experience. Global Woman Financial Empowerment Conference
See you soon! Mirela