Mimi Bland: The Power of Self-Transformation



With self-transformation at the root of her life and coaching, Mimi Bland focuses on mastering your mind and emotions, helping people overcome their limiting beliefs and uncover their true potential. With resilience and determination, Mimi overcame the trauma of mental and emotional abuse, transforming her own journey into the essence of her coaching. In our exclusive interview with Global Woman Magazine, Mimi shared her transformational journey, and she’s back at Business Woman Today to share her expertise on mindset and coaching.

Once we have learned self-mastery, the art of controlling our mindset and our emotions, life starts to open up to us.

We previously spoke to you at Global Woman Magazine about your journey leading up to your career in coaching, the challenges you faced and the transformation you went through. You now mirror this process through your business. What inspired you to take this step and launch your business? 

The moment I decided to launch my business was when I realised I had a gift to help people who were suffering. It was 2012 – I had spent many months talking to and advising friends, employers and sometimes strangers with personal concerns and issues. It became a common occurrence where I was called upon to advise or help others. It was a eureka moment as I had finally realised my gift and life purpose.

I was not hesitant at all as my business evolved – I was eager to set it up and enter the big business world. I gradually built momentum and a steady client base, so it was more growth rather than a launch. I grew into the business as the business grew with me. I had no business worries as I truly do not see this as a business. I now earn a living from utilising my gift and following my passion.

You work closely with mindset and negative thoughts – what habits do you incorporate in your life to keep your mental health in check?

I utilise meditation throughout the day to align myself, along with vision boards & journaling. I read and research every day. I follow specifically chosen mentors, and I join like-minded groups for regular growth feedback and team working environments. I always give back and put out in the universe what I want back. I focus on being open to opportunities, and I say yes to most invites taking on the challenge of presenting my process and business to new people.

Why is coaching so important for success?

It provides an alternate perspective. The coach will have processes and systems that can be relayed to the delegate that will enhance knowledge, skills, attitude, and perspective. A coach brings out the very best in you. If you have a talent or a passion that is residing inside, the coach will help you bring that to the forefront. A good coach has lived through the experiences that you are having and will have the solutions to the issues and problems that are keeping you from reaching your full potential. A coach has the ‘route one’ solution to the answers that will bring you happiness, success and joy in your personal and work life.

How can coaching change your mindset?

Coaching and mentoring doesn’t necessarily, have to ‘change’ a mindset. Coaching enhances your mindset and gives you a new and more experienced viewpoint. A good coach will uncover the necessary requirements of an unhealthy mindset. They will empower a weaker mindset and enhance it to be more in line with the person’s potential. As humans, we strive for success and are continuously learning, and we are intrigued by life and its challenges. However, a mindset makes this journey either enjoyable or destructive to our existence and life path. Therefore, to change one’s thought process to be good and healthy is imperative to having a happy, enjoyable life.

Once that inner change occurs, the world outside starts to change, and we start to see new opportunities come our way. We start to be seen and treated differently by others, and our life experiences start to reflect our true identity and REAL path.

How can transforming ourselves help us succeed in different aspects of life? 

Once we have learned self-mastery, the art of controlling our mindset and our emotions, life starts to open up to us. We start to truly flourish and find our true purpose. We start to value ourselves and understand what makes us happy and successful. We learn to sense situations that are not healthy for us to be in or around, whether that be a relationship, a job, or a life path. It gives us the skill and courage to change our situation without the fear of what if? We no longer live in the fear of trying new things, trying new relationships, trying new job roles, and going for our best possible scenarios that truly suit our inner personality. Finally, we can strive to achieve what makes us content and happy, rather than what society tells us are success and happiness!

Our business starts to flourish as we trade in the world of our passion rather than just a job. Our love lives change to being with the person that compliments us in life and supports our true identity without jealousy, control and possession.

We are happy spirits – watch children run free in the park with giggles and smiles, that is who we are all supposed to be. Free and happy, just like the children we once were. Life seems to change that in us, it brings us down, it forces us to follow the masses and the perception of what is deemed to be success. We all trudge on the life treadmill, hoping things will get better one day! What we have to learn is to make that one day, TODAY!

Work with a coach and learn to see life through a different perspective, learn what triggers you and makes you unhappy, and learn to master your thoughts and emotions to ensure you remain on the path of true happiness and contentment.

What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs starting a business?

That’s an easy answer, follow your dream, your vision or your passion, no matter how many times people tell you not to. Do not follow the wealth or money, discover your vision and passion, and the money will follow.

As a mother and an entrepreneur, how do you create a work-life balance? What do you do to rejuvenate after a day’s work?

To be honest, my hands-on mothering days are over as my sons are now 40 and 30 years old. I’m more of a sounding board and advice mentor to them now. I am, however, a grandmother and have 5 grandchildren that I love spending time with. I don’t recuperate, I’m always working or researching, chairing online clubs or communicating with foreign countries which communicate during our non-working hours. I literally do not stop. I only sleep four or five hours a night. I honestly do not like to waste time, so I’m always open to new opportunities and work toward fulfilling my goals and realising my life’s vision




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