Inger Nordin: Create Your Power Path of Success, What That Means for You, and Why It Matters



Inger Nordin – Bestselling Author (of 3 books), Award Winning Speaker, Life & Business Coach. A networker, connector, and inspirer – known for her big heart and always wanting to share and help others.


I’ve made it my mission to help mid-life women step into their power – financially, personally, and professionally – without compromising their femininity — Inger Nordin


You “started over” when you were 65. What made you want to start IN Life Amplification?


After retiring I felt like I was in a vacuum, and something was missing. I went from a dynamic corporate life managing others to not having a purpose and not feeling valued. I missed being a part of something and felt I had so much more to offer.

It wasn’t until, I was focusing more deeply on my own personal development path in 2017, that I realized my innate ability to coach and support others. As I was helping others get on track, they kept telling me how inspiring I was and that I had a duty to step up and share my gift.

People just kept coming for support and as I helped them get on track and coached them, I realized this was my path. It was rewarding. With that in mind, I started IN Life Amplification (amplify your life) in 2021 with my focus on bringing life and business coaching together, you can’t raise one without addressing the other they go hand in hand.

I make a difference in people’s lives for the better. With over 35 years’ experience from big international corporations in management positions, I cultivated my leadership to uplift others and bring out the best in them. Being goal-oriented and result-oriented helps me keep my clients on track and help them work through any obstacles holding them back.

Working in the corporate world, I’ve seen so many women compromise their femininity and personal life. So I’ve made it my mission to help mid-life women step into their power – financially, personally, and professionally – without compromising their femininity.

I do this through workshops, online trainings, masterminds, and one-one coaching.

My motto is: “It’s never too late to start over – I did it when I was 65 – what’s your excuse?

What are your thoughts on the importance of taking care of our mind, body, and soul?


Your mind, body and soul are all interconnected! The below picture is from my best-selling book “The POWER of YOU2 – Create a POWER PATH of Success (Personally & Professionally)”

I discuss this in the Chapter “Science of the Mind.” We are all spiritual beings and as such, it’s important that we know exactly what we want. This is guiding our dreams and aspirations and those, in turn, are having an impact on our vision in life. Our vision is then the software for our mind where we store, retrieve, and access our memories. Finally, our body is the physical representation of us impacted by our environment – the people we surround ourselves with are really important here.

If the flow through any of those areas is jammed, or disturbed in any way, you will not get your desired outcome. Think of a river that is clogged up as opposed to when it’s flowing effortlessly and freely.

As I write in my book in chapter 6 “Your Health is the Basis for Success”, now that I’m 71 years old, I know for a fact that it’s so important to take care of your physical body. When building my career my body took a backseat. When I retired, I realized that needed to change to sustain as I age. That’s why I have a Personal Trainer at least twice a week. I’m stronger now than I was in my 50’s.

What would you say is your most interchangeable speaking quality and did it help you as a best-selling author?


Yes, the ability to connect with the audience has proven transferable from speaking with the audience to writing for my audience. People say I am an excellent connector and communicator.

I believe this comes from when I was a teacher working at IBM, as well as all my years as a sales rep and a manager. I have a strong voice – both in writing and in speaking.

You wrote a book titled” The POWER of YOU² – Create a POWER PATH of Success (Personally & Professionally)”.  Can you share an elaboration of the Power Path? Is it different for different ages and how do you create your own Power Path?


A POWER PATH is when you live your life with purpose. Meaning you create your own path to success, what that is for you, and why it matters.

A POWER PATH usually becomes a focus once you hit that point in your life where you are questioning what you are doing and why it matters or not. You want to control your life and how you are living it.

To be able to create a POWER PATH of Success you need the following elements: a clear vision, a clear mission, and knowing why you are doing what you are doing, your goal. Is this the life you want to be living?

We normally don’t talk about having a power path – we’re so filled with having a career. But when we come to mid-life, we start to think about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. We question if work is all there is.

See my picture in question 2 – the flow from your spiritual being through to your outcome needs to be aligned. If not, you’ll fail at your first obstacle.

Speaking of myself, I was so pre-occupied with my career and so flattered by all the new challenges and loved them. My managers kept piling them on, being a brilliant trouble shooter, I just worked and delivered without a thought on if this was to my benefit. I didn’t realize this was throwing my life out of balance until I retired and saw how my personal life suffered.

I do believe that the POWER PATH can vary over time, the important thing is to be following your own path. By this I mean, being clear on your path, what matters to you, and sticking to it as long as it’s serving you.

In your opinion as a Life & Business Coach, what are the 3 most important values in life?


For me, the three most important values are:

  1. The courage to be true to yourself. When you know what you want – follow your own path and make sure that no one can get you away from it (if you do not want it)
  2. The gift of being present – be there in the moment and connect with people around you. You will realize how much deeper connections can be with more affinity and how much better your results will be.
  3. Be trustworthy in everything you do. Make sure that people around you can trust you – be it clients or friends. Do what you say you’ll do.
    It’s also important to surround yourself with the right people – supporting you on your journey.

What is the most exciting thing that has happened since starting IN Life Amplification? How does it compare to your corporate career?


I released my book “The Power of You2 – Create a POWER PATH of Success (Personally & Professionally)” in June 2021 which went to a bestseller at Amazon the first week and now even is available at Walmart in Canada.

In June 2022, I got the Global Woman Best Member Award at the Summit in London – this really made me happy being recognized for what I’m doing and who I am. I have been a speaker at several events – online and in person – and have been a podcast guest several times! Latest I was talking about THE PRESENT OF PRESENCE with Julie Kennedy (another Global Woman Club member – her podcast is named Fabulous After Fifty!).

But the most valuable thing I’ve got through Global Woman Club is the international network and all females supporting each other. To speak frankly, this is what I was lacking in my corporate career – females supporting each other. It was much more of a competitive environment! I believe that co-operation not competition is the way to succeed.

Who is your favourite author/businessperson and why?


My favourite author presently is Spencer Johnson, M.D. and the book “Who Moved My Cheese? This book can teach us a lot about how to deal with change in your work and in your life. It’s so important today when we have to cope with uncertainty all around us – being flexible and adapting to change.

My favourite businessperson presently is Mirela Sula – she is a living example of what you can achieve if you set your mind to it. I love the community she’s built with women supporting women globally in Global Woman Club.

What is your favourite quote from your new book The Power of You²?


My favourite quote is “It’s never too late to start over – I did it when I was 65 – what’s your excuse?”

But I have two more that I find important:

When you really express gratitude, you focus your mind, and you grow. You open yourself to new relationships and adventures.

Commonly people forget themselves – remember you are the only you and you need to take care of you first to be able to help others.

If you could have a conversation with anyone in history, who would it be with and why?


I would love to have a conversation with my mum to really get to know her and her life purpose. My mum had what we called “vagabond blood”. She was restless and always thought things would be better if we moved to a new place – we moved 8 times before I finished high school.

Upon reflection I see a lot of my mum in me. She was adventurous and didn’t follow the norm. Even with her struggles (her back pain) she was able to run a ballet school, raise two kids, work full time, and keep her free spirit. I’d like to know more about her life and what drove her to do all she did.


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