By Sujany Baleswaran
Conforming to the norms, trapped in a box labelled the ‘good girl’, Anze Mofor was and still is in some ways a product of her environment. With the courage to step away from society’s expectations and embrace a rebellious nature, the entrepreneur and businesswoman faced a series of challenges, shaping her to become the woman she is today.
With women’s empowerment at the forefront of her business, the founder of High Value Women, Inc, intertwines feminine influence into her coaching and mentoring, highlighting the importance of mastering and balancing feminine energy. Steering along with coaching and consulting, with a new mission to improve economic transformation in Africa, Anze’s latest venture focuses on finding opportunities in Technology, Transportation, Agriculture and Renewable Energy in Africa’s frontier and emerging markets.
Seeking help and guidance isn’t a sign of weakness, but a symbol of courage that enabled me to be my true self.
You work closely with women, incorporating empowerment and feminine influence into your business. Where did the dedication to empowering women stem from?
Growing up, I was the good girl. The girl that always did what was expected. Being put in that box, I became co-dependent and conformed to emulating the male strength and power. This never made me comfortable in my own skin. In society, we are put into stereotyped roles, but in reality, we need to look into the mirror and create a hybrid between who we are and how that fits into our own power.
Over time, I learned that feminism does not mean you are weak, that not every woman is mothering, and emotions are not terrible as long as they are leveraged properly. This inspired me to create my own path by building relationships with people through respect, accountability, and vulnerability. In starting my business, I learned a lot about myself – I’m not great with multi-tasking, but through my relationship-building skills, I find the right people to work with me and delegate tasks to get them done well. Finding my power and self-worth helps me guide other women to do the same by keeping their feminine flow to balance their careers and relationships.
What adversities have you overcome, and what lessons have you taken away from those challenges?
I’ve had both personal and professional challenges that I’ve had to learn and grow through. This has come through spending a lot of time alone and having self-evaluation, flaw acceptance, and understanding that I had the ability to change it.
On a personal level, accepting correction without being defensive has always been difficult for me. It felt like I was accepting failure when really it was teaching me to grow. It gave me an understanding that seeking help and guidance isn’t a sign of weakness, but a symbol of courage that enabled me to be my true self. Today, I have become a person of trust, love, and forgiveness through my various struggles with self-acceptance and faith. In life, we come into contact with untrustworthy people.
A few years ago, I was building a team and leading a multi-million-dollar project. Even though the project did not succeed due to lack of research and an unfit team, it taught me how to plan better, how to not harden when people betray you, and how to still connect with others even through difficulty. My mom said, one day, I will make it, I said, what is “making it”. My version is mastering myself to balance mind, body and spirit to create anything I want. Form or not. That’s it. So I have, and I am spending the rest of my life making sure I help others do the same.

As well as working to empower women, you have now entered the sector of technology and renewable energy with your new venture INDUX Global Inc. With economic inflation becoming an increasing issue in today’s world, what led to this venture?
Being from Cameroon and understanding it’s realities, value, and potential, I ache for better leadership, development and infrastructure in Africa. I’m passionate about improving the economic abilities, as well as the mindset of the people. When I saw the opportunity to partner with local and international contractors alongside local governments to build factories within Africa that will create products and services by Africans for Africans, I jumped on it. INDUX Global, Inc. was born.
Through INDUX, the goal is to make the continent more stable with an economy that is supported by local labour versus ex-pat labour. Through these relationships, we build educational and training opportunities for the locals that will eventually create new leaders for Africa with a better mindset. Currently, many of the natural resources that Africa has been shipped out for processing due to the lack of skilled labour. When it comes back into the continent, the rates are highly increased. Bridging the gap starts with giving opportunities to the locals to develop the skills to work with these international companies for better results that will benefit both sides.
Your work as a life coach and a managing partner of INDUX Global, Inc. shows how busy life can get. How do you create that work-life balance?
Making time for fun is invaluable. Allowing myself to feel, not complicate things too much, and delegate to others with designated skill sets has been my saving grace in staying organised in my professional and personal life. When I am at home, my feminine energy is predominant. When I am at work, I tend to realise that I use a lot of both masculine and feminine to get things done. I simply learned how to harness both and use them when needed most. It’s a skill we do not learn as young girls but should be taught in schools and at home. Instead of the usual, be nice, be a good girl, be submissive. That’s good, but if I was able to learn what to do with my raging emotions that would be helpful.
What does female empowerment mean to you?
To me, it is to master your feminine energy to handle anything that comes your way from career/business and relationships. It’s the best way to master yourself. Spend quality time alone. Listen to your inner thoughts, and don’t be afraid of them or of the emotions that come up. They are communicating critical information to you that can be your key to resolving many life’s challenges.
If you are in business, delegate tasks to free up time for yourself. Be open to correction without defence. The I-can-do-it-all is not always healthy or beneficial. Rest and have a mind that is open to everything but attached to nothing. These will help you to harness your superpowers in vulnerability, gratitude and humour. Allow yourself to feel and receive, make time for fun and connect with others in a genuine way. You are a Woman of High Value, no matter where you are. You command respect with your energy, not your accomplishments.
No man wants to compete with women in a relationship, but in business, they do. Some may want to belittle and demean women, but the good ones know our value and honour us accordingly and vice versa. Your worth is priceless. Look within you to find it. The past, trauma, emotional layers and outside distractions may be overwhelming but you can find guidance to help navigate these layers and bring forth your feminine power, which is necessary in the world today.
You attract love and respect with your feminine energy, not your accomplishments…
What advice would you give to women struggling to find their self-worth?
I’m sure everyone has struggled with their self-worth at some point. So did I, both professionally and personally. No one has it easy, some work through some live with it.
I was very co-dependent, insecure and uncertain. I faked confidence and felt very alone for a long time until I started learning personal development from a Jim Rohn CD a friend gave me on my birthday. It completely changed my perspective on life and shifted my mindset to where I started enjoying my time alone with myself. These precious solitary moments became an incubator to build my self-worth and confidence. I lacked focus and discipline, but I had so much passion. I started looking for more personal development lessons and audios on YouTube. I read books and autobiographies from authors like Eckhart Tolle, Oprah, Dale Carnegie, Malcolm Gladwell etc.
As I took more chances and stopped caring about what people thought of me, I found my self-worth and confidence. I even hired a coach to guide me through it all. I am still learning, but this has allowed me to relate to other women on their journey, through my strength with empathy and our common experiences. That is why I decided to be the voice other women. Like Denzel Washington said, “Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.” I was willing to deal with the hardship after knowing myself and knowing what I am capable of.
The advice I will give to women seeking self, is to allow themselves to be open through vulnerability but not feel like a victim all the time. And to seek help from within not from people or things. Self worth is the confidence to know you are not perfect but you have value, and that’s enough.