Constantly curious about entrepreneurship, Marleen started her journey in entrepreneurialism in 2008. This was, as you may recall, amidst the financial crisis that the sector experienced. The freedom of having her own choices was second to none and allowed her to continue her path to success as an innovator.
She left KPMG and decided to build her own enterprise called M2 Advisory. The immediate problem solved was the financial gains and results that companies were targeting and not meeting. M2 Advisory pivoted through its own crucible in 2014. They say necessity gives birth to change, or invention, and Marleen embraced this need for change towards the corporate ways of working within her own company. M2 Advisory now oversees the innovative solutions every business need to up its performance. Marleen’s M2 Advisory operates on a B2B market level, and their successful strategy keeps them competitive through meeting several avenues of service. Marleen has a philosophy of resilience and resourcefulness makes up the crux and importance of her philosophy. Her determined enthusiasm, attributable to a spirit of the successful entrepreneur, keeps her on top of the game and modernises her skillset. Self-education, self-compassion, and self-reliance have propelled Marleen’s M2 Advisory as she leads a terrific company through waters of uncertainty to untold treasures. Her ethic comes from her experience and expertise: if you can survive the financial crisis, you can survive anything.The entrepreneurial spirit comes from optimism. Approaching everything from multiple angles to innovate, improve or respond adequately to customer’s issues cannot be overstated. —Marleen Somohardjo
What has influenced you most to bring you to your entrepreneurial journey?
Entrepreneurship always intrigued me. Even when I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey in 2008, during the financial crisis within the financial sector. The liberated feeling of having my own choices in partnership with clients in my client base empowered me to continue the sometimes-challenging periods life holds. The impact on my personal life is significant, however both the freedom and sense of building on my legacy influence my choices all the more. They still do.When did you decide you were an entrepreneur and what inspired you to found your own company, M2 Advisory?
After I left my corporate career as an advisor with KPMG, I decided to build on a more end-to-end innovation, advising and bringing more in-depth value to my customers. I didn’t immediately consider myself an entrepreneur. My mission is optimising businesses with their financial results. This was not the direct result I had with my clients that I worked with, large corporate banks and insurers. I pivoted the business when I encountered difficult times in 2014. From that point I started to apply the “corporate” ways of working in process and risk management within my own company. This way of working propelled the business and from here on I realized that I was more of an entrepreneur, serving both ends of the spectrum, focusing on clients’ solutions, and focusing on partnerships to expand. Over the years this developed into a way of working with partners and introducing new methods for working within the consultancy service. We further crafted and worked on product development, market analysis, elevating customer experience and have continued serving the market with my signature approach. The result is a platform to elevate business performance while assessing your critical risks. The product delivers automation to master your finance, increase profitability, and in addition it provides confidence towards business results. This is considered as the foundation for inspiration and building on the company M2 Advisory and M2 Advisory International. M2 Advisory delivers innovative solutions that bring financial and risk management within the value chain for our corporate clients, entrepreneurs, and business owners to another level.In marketing, what is the most successful strategy for grabbing attention and how can owners of other companies apply this strategy?
M2 Advisory serves the B2B market, the decision-making process pertains to multiple layers regarding governance, departments, budgets, and approvals. Are you looking for a successful strategy for the B2B market?-
- Build strong networks
- Organise events
- Create informational, educational content & target a niche audience