You found this article because you know that there is more to life…
Your soul knows that you are destined for greatness…
Your heart is craving more…
More love, More happiness, More connections, More abundance, More productivity, More fun and of course More of who you truly are…
You feel a calling deep within your soul, to become the best version of you…
You want to want to learn, grow and achieve something incredible every single day!
You want to make the most out of every day, choosing the best opportunities to create your best life…
And most importantly, you want the Energy to enjoy the very best that life has to offer…
If this is you, Congratulations… You are in the right place…

I have always been addicted to personal development and I am driven by a passion to be the best that I can be. I want to make the most out of every opportunity and I want to unlock my greatest potential.
But all of a sudden… I felt like I had lost my momentum, I felt exhausted at the idea of moving forward… Instead of jumping out of bed with a zest for life… I was struggling to convince body to climb out of bed each morning… Some days, I felt like my body was a prison holding me back from my progress… Instead of embracing every opportunity, I was crippled with analysis paralysis and I often gave up, even before I started.
What happened to the younger me that would jump out of bed every morning excited about the day ahead? What happened to the energy that helped me achieve a distinction my Masters, while holding down a job, 3 placements and commuting for 2-4hours every day? Where was that passionate youthful energy that made me feel invincible? I believed that anything was possible and that I could accomplish anything I set my mind to…But where did that successful high achiever go?
And Most importantly… How do I get her back???
My husband, my children, my amazing horse my goals, my life mission, my business and my clients depended on it. They needed the youthful Sarah that would give them the best of her, they needed the abundant bubbly energy that inspired them to grow and thrive.

I looked into my sons’ eyes when he asked me to join him in a game of football and I had to decline because I was in so much pain, my body was exhausted and I could even manage to run around and have fun with him. The look of disappointment in his eyes gave me the motivation that I needed to change it all. In that moment, I knew that I had to do whatever it took to get the energised version of me back…
Driven by the deep desire to play football with my son, I found a way to unlock all the qualities of the Younger me!
I developed my signature The Fountain of Youth Formula. Life was never the same again!
This revolutionary approach helped me unlock my Youth Blueprint and it activated all the qualities that I was craving from the younger me…

I now have more energy, I have become magnetic to amazing opportunities, my business is thriving, I lost 20kg in less than 2 years, I feel confident and I love my body. I get to spend quality time with my family and most importantly, I get to play football with my son…
The Fountain of Youth Formula is so simple yet so powerful! Using a powerful meditative technique, you can tap into your Youth Blueprint and activate the younger you.
Experience it for yourself and unleash your youthful essence, and get ready to have fun, live young and become the person that you are destined to become!