A Flavorful Future: How Marwa Shehata Turned Passion into Prosperity with YallaCook


As a 2000 Mass Communication graduate from the American University in Cairo, I, Marwa Shehata, navigated the realms of marketing and public relations in Egypt and Qatar, acquiring a rich tapestry of skills. My transition from marketing to entrepreneurship was fueled by a desire for greater stability and autonomy in my professional life. In the corporate world, where job security often felt uncertain and the threat of redundancy loomed, I faced constant pressure. With the responsibility of providing for my children, I sought to create a more secure and empowering future. This desire led to the establishment of YallaCook Ltd in the UK in 2022, a venture that not only aligned with my passion for cooking but also aimed to build a legacy for my family, a safe haven where the fear of sudden job loss wouldn’t overshadow our lives.

YallaCook began by introducing the vibrant flavours of Egyptian cuisine to the UK through authentic dishes and culinary courses. This platform soon became a hub for food enthusiasts, and now, we’re expanding. Our next phase includes integrating halal supermarkets and a feature to book freelance food enthusiasts, broadening our reach and culinary impact.

This journey, however, was not without its trials. When my son moved to the UK for university, my husband and I decided that I can move there with him and my daughters so they can continue their education in the UK and I can start the business in London, which is a global business hub. My husband remained in Qatar to help fund our business, with plans to join us once YallaCook is stable. Relocating to the UK alone with my children presented numerous challenges, each surmounted with resilience and an unwavering focus on my goals. Supported steadfastly by my family, this transition from a corporate setting to entrepreneurship has been a journey of growth and adaptation. Winning the Global Woman Entrepreneur award at the Houses of Parliament reflects not just a personal triumph but a celebration of perseverance, adaptability, and the power of dreams. YallaCook’s story is a testament to the potential within us all to innovate and impact, turning aspirations into tangible success.

Balancing Entrepreneurship and Motherhood

Balancing the demands of entrepreneurship with my responsibilities as a mother requires meticulous time management and a strong support system. I prioritise tasks, delegate when necessary, and ensure I set aside quality time for my family. My children are a source of inspiration, and their support fuels my passion for YallaCook. My success would not be possible without the unwavering support of my family—my dad, mum, husband, kids, brother and my parents in law. Without them, I am nothing. God bless them all.

Most Rewarding Moments Since Founding YallaCook

Since founding YallaCook, some of the most rewarding moments have been the positive feedback and heartfelt thanks from our customers. In addition, I was deeply honoured to have my business plan recognised by the Global Woman Club and to win the Global Woman Entrepreneur Award for the year 2024 in the Houses of Parliament. These acknowledgements validate the hard work and dedication I put into YallaCook.

Ensuring Authenticity of Egyptian Dishes

To ensure the authenticity of the Egyptian dishes we offer through YallaCook, I use traditional recipes passed down through generations in my family. I source ingredients that are true to the region and maintain cooking techniques that preserve the original flavours and textures. This commitment to authenticity is at the heart of our culinary offerings. I owe a lot to my mum, from whom I learnt all the authentic Egyptian recipes that are now the cornerstone of YallaCook.

Role of Cultural Cuisine in Fostering Community and Understanding

Cultural cuisine plays a pivotal role in fostering community and cultural understanding. Sharing a meal prepared with love and authenticity allows people to experience and appreciate the traditions and heritage of another culture. It breaks down barriers, promotes dialogue, and creates a sense of belonging and unity.

Impact of Experience in Egypt and Qatar on Business Practices

My experiences working in Egypt and Qatar have significantly informed my business practices and strategies at YallaCook. These experiences taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity, quality, and customer service. They also provided me with a deep understanding of diverse culinary preferences, which I integrate into our menu to cater to a wide range of tastes. Additionally, my nearly 22 years in marketing and public relations have been instrumental in building and promoting YallaCook.

Memorable Story or Testimonial

One memorable story is when I received my first catering order for over 50 people. I cooked all the food myself, managing to create a special menu that catered to various dietary needs, including vegetarian options. Despite the challenges, I successfully delivered a delicious and diverse spread, which was well received by all. The satisfaction and gratitude from that event remain a highlight of my journey.

Future Plans for YallaCook

I envision YallaCook becoming a global platform, a comprehensive food hub with home cooks, home bakers, food consultants, and food enthusiasts from around the world. We have completed Phase 1, which involved selling Egyptian food with nationwide delivery all around the UK and offering physical cooking classes in Walton on Thames.

Now, in Phase 2, we will include freelance food enthusiasts who can earn a second income by offering their services via webcam or in-person events globally. They can share their tips and tricks with others, and we provide free marketing for them with no hidden fees or upfront costs. We only take a service fee from any orders placed through us, allowing them to work when they want and where they want. Additionally, we plan to have halal supermarkets in the UK that will deliver all around the country. Our goal is to bring authentic and diverse cuisines to every corner of the world, making cultural dining experiences accessible to all.

Our current website is [yallacook.co.uk](https://yallacook.co.uk). The site represents Phase 1 of our journey, showcasing our Egyptian food offerings and cooking classes. Phase 2 will launch very soon, and the website will be completely renovated into the platform with all incorporated new features. Before we go live, we are seeking food enthusiasts to join us for our soft launch. Interested individuals can sign up at [join.yallacook.co.uk](https://join.yallacook.co.uk), where they will go through a verification process.

Marketing and Promotion Strategies

For marketing and promotion, I focus on organic content on Instagram, which has been effective in building our community. We now have over 7,000 followers with very good reach and interactions. Additionally, I utilise Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience. These strategies help us stay competitive in the UK food market. You can follow us on Instagram @yallacookuk 

Advice for Women Transitioning from Corporate Career to Entrepreneurship

For women looking to transition from a corporate career to entrepreneurship, my advice is to believe in your vision and stay resilient. It’s essential to build a strong support network, continuously learn and adapt, and be prepared for challenges. Most importantly, balance your passion with practicality, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks.

Recognition at the Houses of Parliament

Being recognised at the Houses of Parliament was a truly humbling experience. This recognition not only highlighted the impact of YallaCook but also reinforced the importance of cultural cuisine in the UK. I hope this recognition will amplify our mission to bring authentic and diverse culinary experiences to more people, promoting cultural understanding and unity.

Acknowledgement of Key Roles in My Success

My success with YallaCook would not have been possible without the unwavering support of my family. My dad, from whom I inherited courage and a risk-taking spirit, has been a great influence. His adventurous outlook taught me to embrace risks and view challenges as opportunities. My mum taught me all the authentic Egyptian recipes that are the heart of YallaCook. Her kitchen was always a place of warmth and love, where I learned to cook with passion and care. Her dedication to preserving our culinary heritage deeply influenced me. My husband has been my rock, offering constant support both financially and mentally. My brother, along with my parents-in-law, has been incredibly supportive, standing by my side during the rough times and believing in my plan. My kids, who bravely moved countries with me, have shown immense patience and have also contributed to enhancing my culinary skills by challenging me to create new dishes they want to try. I’ve taught my kids to never say “I don’t know” and always do research to find answers. When they ask me to make a unique food they’ve tried in a restaurant, I never say no. Instead, I say, “I’ll find out,” and then I learn how to make it better than they get from outside. Without the collective support of my family, I would not be where I am today. God bless them all.

Special Thanks

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mirela and the Global Woman team for all the services they provide that have really helped me a lot in my journey and continue to do so. The masterclasses they offer, along with the networking meetings, are amazing and have been instrumental in my growth and success with YallaCook. Additionally, I extend my heartfelt thanks to my family, friends, and everyone who voted for me and believed in me in the Global Woman Entrepreneur event at the Houses of Parliament. Your support means the world to me, and I am grateful for everyone who has stood by me. I would also like to thank the First Corporate Finance (FCF) for their business support team, for standing beside me, believing in my business idea and plan, and pushing me forward. Thank you all!


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