Party Till You’re 90: Unlock the Fountain of Youth by Reprogramming Your Mindset


An age mindset has the power to make or break you… I have seen it time and time again… 

Working as a carer [Sarah The Carer] for over 11 years, helping hundreds of amazing people, I learnt a lot about the ageing process and the power of the mind. You can almost predict the trajectory that people would take based on their mindset alone… 

Some residents moved to the retirement village and saw an opportunity, a chance to feel young again and enjoy the best that life has to offer… They focused on all the wonderful activities and they were determined to have fun, socialise and live their best years. They made friends and took up new hobbies and they even partied till silly o’clock in the morning… Their priority was always to have fun, laugh and enjoy every day as if it were their last. They did whatever it took to continue feeling young and their health reflected this empowering mindset! It was truly inspiring! 

…But some residents moved into retirement homes with that stagnant “giving up” energy. They constantly grieved the “good old days” with a deep-seated fear that they would never have fun again! They felt old, and exhausted and they complained about everything… They would describe the same “place of opportunity” as a prison or even a death sentence… These were the residents that would deteriorate very quickly… It was heartbreaking to watch because they had so much potential, and with the right mindset, they could have lived their best years… but instead, they saw their age as a “diagnosis” that would trigger multiple health issues… It’s like they simply gave up on living life…

What is the difference between these two “Types” of people? 

The difference is their perspective of age. Some lived Young well into their 90’s, and others deteriorated with the “diagnosis of old age” Their mindset always dictated their prognosis. 

An age mindset has the power to make or break you… It can change everything! So, one thing that I learnt working as a Carer is that your mind has the power to change your life! So, you can imagine how excited I was when I discovered the Fountain of Youth Formula, which has already transformed so many lives! 

I developed a simple, yet effective formula that can help you identify your Age-mindset and using a powerful meditative technique, you can reprogram your Age-mindset. Using this technique, you can access your health blueprint and unlock the benefits of the younger you, so that you can thrive. This technique can boost your energy levels, improve relationships, rebalance your hormones, boost your metabolism, enhance your confidence, improve your health and help you live longer so that you can party ‘till you’re 90+! When you clear age-related beliefs that are holding you back from your youthful energy and encode empowering beliefs, your whole life can be transformed. 

Your mind can be your Greatest Superpower if you know how to program it for success… Working with thousands of people, I was able to learn so much about the ageing process and how the mind can influence so much! This technique aims to help you live young so that you can also dance till silly O’clock in the morning at the age of 90+.

I believe that life is for living and every moment counts… The essential ingredient is energy… and the way to unlock that level of energy is through The Fountain of Youth Formula. Live young so that you can enjoy the very best that this world has to offer… 

This is your opportunity… Why wait? Start living young TODAY!

This Article has been inspired by Joseph Foster, the Founder of Reebok. He is 89 years young and he travels the world passionately sharing his story and inspiring millions. He is a beacon of hope, showing us what is truly possible when we love what we do. His advice is to have fun and keep doing what you are doing! He illustrates the true power of a healthy age mindset and he is an example of what is truly possible… I am so grateful for meeting Joe and thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world… 


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