More Than Bricks and Mortar: How We Built a Legacy of Strength, Vision, and Empowerment


By Linda Attram. Property Developer & Investor, Maclin Properties Ltd

For over two decades, I have been on a relentless journey in real estate, a path marked by dedication, passion, and the countless sacrifices that come with balancing business, family, and personal ambition. Alongside my husband Mac, who is not just my life partner but also my business partner, we have built a thriving real estate business, MacLin Properties, a name that combines our names and is a testament to our bond, relationship and shared vision.  Our journey has been one of defining our roles, playing to our strengths, and embracing the ups and downs of entrepreneurship together.

The Importance of Defining Roles and Playing to Strengths

Mac and I have learned that defining roles and responsibilities in both business and life is crucial for success and harmony. In any partnership, whether personal or professional, clarity about who does what helps avoid conflicts, streamline operations, and leverage each person’s strengths to their fullest potential.

While Mac primarily focuses on his highly successful coaching business and his passion as a Global Speaker where he dedicates himself to changing lives and helping business owners scale and magnify their businesses to the next level.  I lead on the ground, managing our large real estate portfolio with our team. My role involves ensuring the business runs smoothly, from coordinating matters with finance companies, investors, building contractors, and tenants to handling complex legal matters and maintaining the day-to-day operations of our projects. This clear division of roles allows us to excel individually and as a team, creating a synergy that drives our business forward and enables us to achieve our common goals.

Defining roles in any business isn’t just about dividing tasks; it’s about respecting each other’s expertise and trusting one another to deliver in our respective areas. This approach has been key to our success, as it allows us to focus on what we each do best without stepping on each other’s toes. It also fosters mutual respect and a stronger partnership in business and life.

Involving our children in the business has been a deliberate decision and an extension of this philosophy. They work with us during school and university holidays, learning the ropes and gaining a real understanding of what it takes to build and run a business. We want them to see firsthand the dedication, hard work, and resilience required, so they appreciate not just the successes but also the challenges we face. It’s important to us that they are part of the journey, understanding the legacy we are building and the values that underpin it. This hands-on experience is invaluable, teaching them not only the mechanics of the business but also the importance of defining roles, embracing responsibility, and working collaboratively toward a shared vision.

Ultimately, clearly defined roles have not only allowed us to build a successful business but also to create a family legacy that our children, future grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be proud of. It’s about laying a foundation of teamwork, respect, and purposeful action—principles that will serve them well in any endeavour they choose to pursue.

A Legacy of Determination and Resilience

My drive and determination are deeply rooted in the sacrifices made by my parents, who migrated from the Caribbean with nothing but a suitcase in the 1950s as part of the Windrush Generation, leaving their family behind in search of a better life. They rented a single room in West London for the whole family, a humble beginning that didn’t deter them from dreaming big. Despite facing adversity, including an initial racist landlord who didn’t want to rent to them, my parents saved diligently and eventually raised the funds to buy one floor at a time of the very three-storey terraced house where they once rented a room.

In an ironic twist of fate, when my parents finally purchased the entire building, the landlord who had once refused them became their tenant. The previous landlords’ circumstances had changed due to illness, and my parents, ever compassionate, rented her a room. Their story is one of perseverance, smart thinking, and turning challenges into opportunities, and it serves as a powerful reminder of what is possible through determination and hard work. I am forever grateful to my parents for the sacrifices they made, and I carry their lessons with me every day as I build our business and legacy.

Turning Challenges into Triumphs

Our latest real estate project, transforming a car park into eight beautiful apartments has been one of our biggest achievements to date. The journey was not without its challenges, managing budget overspends, navigating disagreements with contractors, and overcoming local planning hurdles but each obstacle was an opportunity to learn and grow. The project is now complete, and standing shoulder to shoulder with Mac and our children outside the finished building, I am filled with immense pride.

What kept me going through the tougher times was the vision of the completed project and the legacy we were creating. I visualised our children, future grandchildren, and great-grandchildren walking past this building, knowing that this is the house that Mac and Linda built. It’s more than just a building; it’s a symbol of our perseverance, our partnership, and the legacy of MacLin Properties. 

Empowerment Through Visualisation and Resilience

To all the women reading this: know that regardless of your dream or desire and no matter how far away your goal may feel or continuous challenges that may arise remember you are amazing, beautiful and strong and have the power to achieve success. In any partnership, whether in business or life, it’s important to define each other’s roles and do what you are good at. Mac and I have found that when we play to our strengths and support each other, we are unstoppable.

This project, like many others before it, has taught me the power of visualisation. On days when challenges felt overwhelming and intensely emotional, I kept my eyes on the prize imagining the apartments all finally finished, the joy of completion, and the future generations who will see this as a part of our legacy.

Every challenge we faced along the way only made us stronger, reinforcing the importance of persistence, clear communication, and mutual respect in any partnership.  Like my experience, whether it’s having the courage to sack your legal team mid-project because your values are not aligned, driving hours to the site at short notice and missing family time, or managing unexpected and unforeseen changes, these experiences have taught me that success comes from perseverance, determination, adaptability, and a positive mindset.

A Legacy of Strength and Vision

Completing this project has been one of the most fulfilling achievements of my real estate career. It’s a reminder that with the right partnership, a clear vision, and the courage to step out of your comfort zone, anything is possible. For Mac and me, this building is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s a legacy for our children and a symbol of what we can accomplish together. 

As women, we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to. Own your journey, embrace your female energy and power, take the lead to achieve your goals and don’t be afraid to define your path rather than others defining it for you. Remember that every challenge is a stepping stone to your success. If I can do it, so can you. Stand shoulder to shoulder with those who support you, and build the life and the legacy you deserve.

If you’re ready to take the next step in creating substantial wealth through strategic property investment, let’s talk! Reach out via a private message on the Global Woman Lobby App or find me on LinkedIn to schedule a call. Your journey to financial empowerment starts now!


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